The Mitt

The Mitt
Here’s another shot I took at AT&T Park. The giant glove in left center field is probably one of the most distinctive features of the ballpark. If you see it on TV, you know where the game is being played.

I’ve been taking all most shots in RAW format since upgrading to a 4GB compact flash card. This was originally RAW. I tweaked the exposure a little in Picasa, and exported it. More importantly, I uploaded it to Zooomr yesterday. Yes, Zooomr is back online after the Mark III upgrades. I’m still trying to familiarize myself with the new design, but overall I’m pleased with the added functionality. Initially the site was really slow, but after a day things calmed down it is running smoothly. I had some problems uploading, but they seemed to be resolved.

One of the interesting new features is the Marketplace widget. This shows the primary (#565558) and secondary (#bb633d) colors of an image. The hex codes are what Zooomr determined are the primary colors of this image. I’m not sure how it works or how it’s useful, but it’s cool. The Marketplace widget also allows you to post images for sale. The minimum is $5.00, so if anyone wants to buy this image, that’s what it will cost. Or you can email me and I’ll probably give it to you.

I hope to do a thorough review of the new Zooomr Mark III features soon. I want to make sure the site is stable and I want to have adequate time to explore. Maybe by the end of this week. Regardless, I’m glad it’s back and hope Mark III will motivate me to take more photos and blog more often.

Go have some fun, and take pictures while you do. Then post them to Zooomr.


It’s been two weeks since I posted anything, time flies. This has been the busiest May I can remember in 15 years. I did manage to catch a Giants game with my daughter last week and grabbed this shot of the Coke bottle. I wasn’t sure if I liked it in color or black and white, so I had my wife decide. She makes good choices. I took a bunch of shots around AT&T Park, and noticed a lot of people with digital SLR cameras. They’ve become quite popular.

This shot is hosted on my Picasa Web Albums site, not Zooomr. Zooomr’s been down for what feels like forever getting the Mark III changes online. Thomas Hawk and Kristopher Tate have been keeping things updated via their blogs and on the Zooomr channel on I hope it gets back online soon, I have a bunch of pictures to upload and post here. Zooomr was already the coolest photo site, so I expect great things and will wait patiently (please hurry). When Zooomr is back up I’ll post this with a geotag.

One last thought, I suppose I should change the name of the blog. I clearly don’t post a photo a day. I’m lucky for a photo a week.