After a few days of rain and some early morning fog, the sky cleared and today was beautiful. I drove out to Dillon Beach and took this along the way. There were clouds just inland, but right along the coast was clear. I used a graduated filter for this shot, which really made the sky look blue. The rock formation is probably pretty familiar to anyone who has driven out to Dillon Beach; it’s very distinctive and a popular spot to stop and view Point Reyes. I like curving paths in the field and the deep green grass. I did minor contrast adjustments in Picasa.
I had taken a few shots of some clouds over a sheep ranch on the way to the beach using the same filter, but a barking dog and cars distracted me. I forgot to orient the filter for portrait, so the gradient went right to left instead of top to bottom, which was quite noticeable. I’ll put that shot on my picasa web site tomorrow and update this post.
There is a higher resolution photo and geotag on zooomr. In the satellite view on Google Maps, you can see the rocks in the photo quite clearly.