
BarbedBarbed Hosted on Zooomr

I missed a day, it was bound to happen. I caught up today, though. I took this on my way to work. It was late in the morning, but the sun hadn’t hit this spot yet. The field in the background was in full sun with a frosty foreground. It was a nice contrast – frosted white foreground, creek with ice on it, and a brightly lit, green field in the background. All that color and I converted it to black and white.

I haven’t been editing the photos on this blog much, or on zooomr, aside from minor contrast adjustments using Picasa, but this one looked better in black and white. I’ve seen some cool photos that have been edited in Photoshop, so I may experiment a little. My intent was to just post the file from the camera, but sometimes a little correction or enhancement is needed. So far I’ve only used Picasa to make adjustments. Picasa is great. It’s adjustments are pretty rudimentary, but as an organizational tool it is great.
See the geotag and details on Zooomer. Also checkout Skoot’s photos on Zooomr.

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